MilkShape 3D 1.8.5 Release Notes *** Version 1.8.5 (Jul 08 2009) - updated SDK and fileformat: vertex extra data contains now 2 extra values - added: ASE export for Unreal static meshes - added: FBX 2009.1 support for XNA (import only so far, export in final release) Version 1.8.4 (Aug 24 2008) - fixed: it's now possible to enter a pivot in the TCE - fixed: initial normals for create plane, create cylinder and create face - added: save/load TCE settings and window placement - added: SDK functions: msMaterial_Set/GetDiffuseTextureWidth/Height - added: play sound, when pressing the delete group button Version 1.8.3 (Jun 03 2008) - added: import UV coords only for Wavefront .obj. For RoadKill 1.1 UVMapper support. - added: Sims PET mesh support - added: 'Ignore Alpha' material mode, useful if the alpha channel is used for something other than alpha channel (glow map, etc.) - updated: using the latest MDL7 library for GameStudio MDL7 models - improved: pivot in TCE (don't set pivot in rotate/scale, update editboxes) - added: weld to nearest vertex - fixed: filename with dots and without extension was completed wrongly - updated: added SDK functions msBone_RemovePositionAt() and msBone_RemoveRotationKeyAt Version 1.8.2a (Nov 08 2007 --unofficial): - improved: SMD import to support nodes with different amount of keys Version 1.8.2 (Okt 25 2007): - added: snap to grid, when moving/scaling/creating geometry - added: a warning when saving in animation mode, because it could mess up your animations - added: a warning, if the license file could not be written (for those who use DeepFreeze for example) - added: scale into option for the scale tool - updated: "Tools->Show Model Statistics ..." - improved: vertex weight editor - added: SDK: added msMaterial_Destroy(), msModel_SetFileName() and msModel_GetFileName() - fixed: SDK: fixed memory leaks with comments - improved: Texture Coordinate Editor: move, rotate, scale, set pivot with input values - added: an animation speed slider - added: start / end frame animation editboxes Version 1.8.1b (Jun 27 2007): - improved Windows Vista compatibility - fixed a crash when importing Wavefront OBJ files without groups - fixed a crash when exporting MD3 files without $sequence tags - the *_GetComment API could cut the last character of the comment Version 1.8.1a (Jun 09 2007): - added a new sequence command for MD3 export to be able to name frames - fixed a crash with plugins (3ds) Version 1.8.1 (May 31 2007): - updated: latest UniMesh V4.09 plugins for The Sims 2 by Wes Howe (including AutoJoint, MakeSGrps, Normal Data Merge and Vertex Data Merge plugins) - added: looped animation for Max Payne 2 - added: joint size, transparency mode and alpha ref are now saved in the .ms3d file - added: new material mode: combine alpha, which is useful for The Sims 2 - added: lock X and Y when moving/scaling in the Texture Coordinate Editor - changed: 'Draw vertex weights' and 'Draw vertices with joint colors' are not persistent anymore - changed: double-click a joint in the list to select it - fixed: SMD export crashed in certain cases - added: new DestroyPlugIn procedure in SDK - changed: SDK update to version 1.8.1 - changed: removed checks for regmon, filemon, etc. - added: weighted vertices support for Max Payne2 skd files - fixed: couldn't delete comments - fixed: check texture filename length and give warning - fixed: ms3d starts maximized and resizes to normal quickly (flashes) - changed: SMD export: if there is no material assign, then "default.bmp" is used - changed: SMD export: if there are no joint assigned to a vertex, then it is assigned to joint 0 - fixed: SHPathPrepareForWriteA didn't work on Win98 - fixed: selecting vertices with the ignore backfaces option didn't work - changed: trial mode is now optional using the -trial option - added: a custom config directory can be set using the -config option (useful to run from memory stick) Version 1.8.0 (Mar 10 2007): - added: vertex weight editor - added: vertex weight visualization in viewports - added: COLLADA exporter (no skeleton, skin, animation and physics yet) - added: vertex extra, can be used for color or other info - added: Ke (emissive) parameter for Wavefront OBJ files - added: made Subdivide 2 a build-in command and fixed texture coordinate problems - fixed: duplicate selection and regroup copy the group comments - fixed: correct initial camera values for plugins - updated: SDK to 1.8.0 and file format spec - updated: The Sims 2 V4.07A plugins by Wes Howe - updated: DTSPlus! exporter for the Torque engine by Chris Robertson - updated: TCE can now show long group names Version 1.7.10 (Sep 09 2006): - added: move to point, move to center of group/joint - added: double-clicking a group selects/deselects it - added: double-clicking a material assigns it to selected groups - added: FBX export: save center of each group as pivot for groups which are no skinned meshes - fixed: Wavefront OBJ import textures with long file names - fixed: minor bugfixes and speed improvements - updated: Blitz 3D exporter Version 1.7.9 (Jun 23 2006): - added: optional depth sorted triangles - added: two-sided lighting for transparent triangles - added: transparency mode: alpha reference - added: transparent background images are supported now - added: reset TCE after scaling and moving the texture - added: fit selection in TCE - added: optional rotate around selection in 3d viewport. - added: show file extension on texture button - fixed: small bug in the background image dialog - fixed: check + uncheck spheremap disabled transparency - fixed: a crash when saving .ms3d with empty groups - updated: Blitz3D plugin Version 1.7.8 (Apr 19 2006): - added: group and smoothing group coloring, customizable in groupcolors.txt - added: load buggy plugins only once, see buggyplugins.txt - fixed: loosing vertex weights after merge, unweld, regroup and duplicate selection - fixed: might had wrong comments after merge - added: merge now supports merging skeletons, but only if the joint names don't collide - fixed: a crash in the A5 MDL export and a bug with multiple groups export - fixed: minor bugfixes - updated: new The Sims 2 plugins by Wes Howe - updated: D3D exporter plugin by GenericBum Version 1.7.7a (Jan 20 2006): - changed: plugins are now loaded only when needed - changed: memory usage has been optimized - fixed: crash when zooming out with the mouse wheel Version 1.7.7 (Jan 18 2006): - added: Alias FBX import/export (formerly known as Kaydara FiLMBOX) - added: The Sims2 import/export plugins by Wes Howe - added: bone/skin-weight editor used for The Sims 2, by Wes Howe - added: hide selection can now hide joints - fixed: plane uv coords corrected for all turn edge options - fixed: auto smoothing after creating a plane primitve corrected - fixed: Wavefront OBJ import bug with negative vertex indices - fixed: saved viewport settings are applied again - changed: new logo, icons and installer script by Brody Mulry - changed: load 32-bit textures with totally transparent alpha channel without alpha channel - changed: SDK supports normals/UV per triangle vertex, which allows import/export without seams - changed: SDK supports up to 4 vertex weights (are not used inside MS3D) Version 1.7.6 (Oct 02 2005): - added: plane primitive with different turn edge options - added: new close cylinder options: triangle fan and triangle strip - updated: SMD texture filename extension won't be renamed to .bmp anymore (HL2 compatibility) - fixed: double-click MS3D file should work now - fixed: minor bug fixes for ATI OpenGL driver Version 1.7.5 (Jul 24 2005): - fixed: PSK/PSA import/export had a bone orientation bug (thanks a lot to Shinobi for showing me how to fix it!) - fixed: a problem with the 3ds importer when importing large 3ds files (also speed improved) - fixed: a problem with transparent textures not showing up transparent - added: reset settings in the Preferences dialog (no need to manually delete the ms3d.cfg) - added: remembers the last paths for file open, save, import, export, textures and others - fixed: made debugging custom plugins with the SDK easier. Version 1.7.4 (Feb 03 2005): - move group up, down - recent files list behaviour improved - comment whole model - fixed: BGR/BGRA texture were not displayed properly - fixed: bug when deleting texture fixed - fixed: flipped and white background images fixed - fixed: SMD last frame was dropped - fixed: .3ds import when model had no material - updated: Blitz Basic B3D exporter - added: Motocross Madness SLT exporter by mcm2boys - added: BVH importer is licensed back - added: Torque DTS exporter Version 1.7.3 (Jan 24 2005): - Mesa 6.2.1 compatibility, optionally enable/disable wglShareLists - fixed problem with background image textures - Half-Life 2 VTF texture support, thanks to Jed for the VTF extractor! - Half-Life 2 SMD support (just 1 vertex weight supported) - increased decimal places for HL1/HL2 SMD - KF2 _mov files with vertical/horizontal movement only - commenting groups, materials and joints is now supported - comment support for SDK - updated MS3D ASCII importer/exporter - fixed 3DS importer/exporter - fixed a bug in the Wavefront OBJ importer - Wavefront OBJ import now supports negative indices - minor bug fixes Version 1.7.2 (Oct 28 2004): - material names memory leak > 32 bytes - assign material, no groups selected -> warning - select vertices without triangle -> backface only must be ignored - MS3D ASCII Importer bug fixes - MS3D ASCII Exporter: export no empty names - .ms3d file association - File->New: resets all viewports - SDK: spheremap flag support - SDK: camera pos/orientation support - installer: write installation path to registry - Max Payne 2 support - 2. texture filename can be edited again - fixed: transparency problem with DDS textures - Ctrl+'Delete Selection' deletes faces only (no vertices) - added: msSubDivide2 by coldlamper - updated: msModelInfo by scorpiomidget - updated: msXExporter by John Thompson - added: msZero.dll: zero joints by Ioquan - added: Doom3 MD5Mesh importer by sanjo - added: LucasArt's .3do importer by Zy - added: dotXSI3 exporter by Neil 'Jed' Jedrzejewski - updated: General Map Exporter 2.2 by Rat - added: Ghoul2 GLM Exporter by Bermshot - added: Maya ASCII .ma importer by mijacs - added: POV-Ray 3.5 Include File exporter by Neil 'Jed' Jedrzejewski - added: MD Adjust Keys Plugin 2.1.0 by Rat - updated: Tile texture mapper tool plug-in 1.2.0 by Mikko Rytkönen - added: Warcraft III MDX Importer v1.1 by UniKorn - updated: Yafray plugin by mijacs - updated: msASCIIImporter - updated: msASCIIExporter Version 1.7.1 (Jul 06 2004): - check opengl extension buffer for Geforce FX. - shortcuts for plugins didn't work. - copy & paste keyframes fixed - limit of 100 plugins removed - Remove All Keyframes operates on selected joints only. - 4 Recent Files - BDY import crash fixed - Quake1 export no textures message fixed - Executing plugins causes the model's skeleton to be drawn regardless of the state of the "Show skeleton" check box. - Turn Edge crashes: creating a box, single-selecting one of the faces in the upper left view (without backfaces) and another one in the lower left view - option to turn off viewport saving - fixed GS MDL4 export bug with textures - texture didn't load, when loading from recent file list - fixed little bug with transparency slider - A6 GameStudio MDL7 import (no animation) - A6 GameStudio MDL7 export (no animation) - Wavefront OBJ import didn't always load the textures properly. - Cancel option, when the application quits. - A5 GameStudio MDL5 import - bug fixed with plugins and joints. - minor bug in MS3D loader. - output information on which joints keyframes were set/removed. - optionally load/save viewport settings - replaced Create Face plugin with buildin command - removed bridge and unify plugin at the request of mijacs (they seem to crash on certain machines) - restores second texture filename (unused in MS3D) Version 1.7.0 (Dec 04 2003): - MD2 import crashed - update vertex buffer after TCE - fixed shininess with plugins - select group, deselect face, delete -> group deleted - fixed: 'not yet implemented' in A5 MDL - bg image load crashes, if the image is not there anymore. - check opengl extension buffer for Geforce FX. - a lot of new plugins!! Version 1.7.0 Beta3 (Nov 02 2003): - Select Group by Material - shortcuts for shapes - maximize viewport with VK_SPACE - PSK skeletons rotated - background images were blurry after loading MS3D (needed a reload) - duplicate selection had a bug, and it is faster now - other minor bugfixes Version 1.7.0 Beta1-2 (Oct 14 2003): - Serious Sam SKA supports now meshes, skeletons and animation. - Unreal/UT PSK/PSA support independed of the game. - rewrote Half-Life SMD support. - remove FreeImage and use DevIL now for image file formats. - support for 32-bit texture with alpha channel. - *.rgb, *.dds texture are now supported. - texture download is now 6 times faster. - background images can be any images. - max. vertex count has been increased to 65534. - max. triangle count has been increased to 65534. - max. group count has been increased to 255. - increased undo level to 50. - joints without children can be rotated now. - increased rendering speed. - selected triangles are now shown in 3D too. - uniform scale added - custom grid size added - position/scale background image dialog Version 1.6.6 (Apr 12 2003): - Added: autosave option, see Preference dialog, disabled by default. - Changed: MilkShape 3D now exists, when it detects security harming programs, rather than trying to close them. - Included: Text Generator plugin by Craig Musgrave. - Included: Q3Radiant MAP exporter by Jochen Winzen. - Included: Explode Tool by Ulf Öhlén. Version 1.6.5 (Dec 1 2002): - Added: global/local mode for rotating joints, which makes animation a lot easier. - Added: customizable shortcuts, menus and plugins using the shortcuts.ini. - Added: added shortcuts for Reverse Vertex Order, X, Y, Z and other tool options. - Added: new plugin types: Edit, Vertex, Face and Animate. - Added: ShortCut & Plugin Manager to edit the shortcuts.ini - Added: UT 2003 reference skeletons. - Fixed: deleting selected vertices doesn't remove all unreferenced vertices. - Fixed: using the Delete key in editboxes won't delete the current selection. - Included: plugins by mijacs: Bridge, Unify, Manual Edit and SelPolyCount. - Included: plugin by Taharez: Height Map. - Included: plugins by Mikko Rytkönen: Lathe, Tile Texture Mapper. - Included: plugins by scorpiomidget: MOHAA Plugins, Model Information. - Included: plugin by cam129: Terrain Generator. - Included: plugins by CCCP: LWO 5.x and 6.0+ importer/exporter. - Included: NovodeX plugin. - Included: Battlefield 1942 plugins by Brian Holinka. - Included: DirectX 8 Mesh Tools: progressive mesh, tesselate mesh and load simple .x files. Version 1.6.4 (Sep 20 2002): - Added: Content, Index and Search help menu commands. If the new helpfile is not installed yet, it can be downloaded. - Added: Spheremap support for materials. - Added: new Spherify command, with optional x, y, z lock. - Added: LithTech LTA importer, which imports all shapes and the skeleton. This importer is still experimental. - Added: Scene Description Format (SDF) export. - Fixed: Smooth All is now quite fast: 15326 faces need now 0.4secs instead of 27.7secs - Fixed: the 3DS exporter overwrote materials or meshes, when there were name collisions. - Fixed: the scene will now be 'framed all' after an import plugin only. - Fixed: transparent materials are now rendered transparent also when no texture is set. - Fixed: Unreal PSK Importer crashed in certain circumstances - Fixed: under WinXP, the control panel was white instead of the default GUI color. - Fixed: some minor bug fixes. Version 1.6.3 (Aug 12 2002): - Added: Unweld Vertex, useful for detaching faces or adding detail. - Added: Unweld Vertex Radial. - Added: ms3d.exe.manifest, which allows Luna controls under WinXP. - Replaced: msGLMImporter.dll, DLL will be unloaded again. - Fixed: extrude tool doesn't try to extrude vertices, when no triangles are selected. - Changed: OpenGL errors are not logged into the ms3d.log, which could result in huge ms3d.log files. - Updated: Kratisto's Half-Life MDL Decompiler v1.01. Version 1.6.2 (Jul 21 2002): - Fixed: msGLMImporter.dll doesn't unload correctly. It temporarily won't be unloaded now. Version 1.6.1 (Jul 12 2002): - Fixed: "Record AVI..." sometimes failed to record. - Fixed: "Record AVI..." didn't add a .avi extension, when it was missing. - Fixed: "Take Screenshot..." didn't add a .bmp extension, when it was missing. - Fixed: Unreal Engine PSK exporter didn't show up in the export menu. - Added: Kratisto's UnMDL Half-Life decompiler plugin tool. - Added: Bermshot's Ghoul2 .glm importer (can be used for JK2, SOF2) Version 1.6.0 (Jun 16 2002): - Added: Viewpoint Experience Exporter with Preview - Added: Serious Sam SKA Mesh import/export - Added: BlitzBasic 3D exporter by Mark Sibly - Updated: DirectX 8 exporter by John Thompson - Added: Take Screenshot - Added: Record AVI - Fixed: unlimited frames for A5 GameStudio export - Trial period restarts: please re-enter your registration code. Version 1.5.10 (Mar 03 2002): - Added: A5 GameStudio import/export - Added: Edit Vertex. Edit X, Y, Z values of a selected vertex. - Updated: DirectX 8 exporter by John Thompson - Added: RtCW MDC import by sanjo - Added: RtCW MDC import /w automatic texture import by SileNT - Added: Kingpin MDX importer by TiCaL - Added: Orbiter Mesh ASCII Exporter by Nicholas Musurca - Added: Rogue Spear QOB importer by Peter Sienkiewicz - Added: SOFTIMAGE|XSI importer by Dominic Laflamme - nothing else has changed Version 1.5.9 (Nov 09 2001): - Fixed: Can export Max Payne KF2 Weapons now. - Fixed: A silly message box popped up during Max Payne KF2 export. - Changed: Quake II MD2 export: maximum number of frames is now 4096. - Changed: Made debugger checks less strict. Version 1.5.8 (Oct 16 2001): - Added: Max Payne import KF2/KFS/SKD - Added: Max Payne export KF2/KFS/SKD - Added: The Sims SKN import (build-in) - Added: The Sims SKN export (build-in) - Added: 3D viewport: added select groups/joints when holding down ALT to the already existing select vertex, face by vertex. - Added: BVH importer (BioVision Hierarchy) by Keith Harrison. This plugin is shareware, and should be registered to support further development. See msBVHImporter.txt. - Fixed: zoom/panning in the perspective viewports behave better, when zoomed very closely. - Updated: DirectX exporter by John Thompson. Version 1.5.7 (Jul 16 2001): - Added: Serious Sam export (automatic LWO 6.5x/SCR with frames). - Added: LWO 6.5x export (can export meshes, uv maps, material and textures). - Added: Serious Sam import. - Added: Serious Sam texture loader. - Added: Both DirectX exporters by John Thompson and Matthew Scott. - Added: DargonZap's Reverse Animation and Scale All plugins. - Fixed: MS3D doesn't crash anymore, if the creation of the GL context fails. - Fixed: bug in MS3D loader, which sometimes moved a triangle to another group. - Fixed: MS3D sometimes crashes, when exiting. - Changed: It is possible again to export OBJ, LWO 6.5x meshes at the current frame. Version 1.5.6 (May 30 2001): - Added: bones/joints are colored differently, when they have a key at the current time. - Added: mouse wheel support for orthogonal and perspective viewports. Use the SHIFT modifier to zoom in/out 10 times faster. - Added: middle mouse button support for panning viewports. - Added: FatBoy plugin by DragonZap. For making models fatter or thinner. - Added: latest VRML 97 exporter by Roland Smeenk. This update adds some extra exporter options for formatting the output. Animation can be exported (coordinateinterpolator) and it is now possible to export Hanim 1.2 (skinned mesh) compliant models. - Updated: TMD importer and Smooth Edge plugins by DragonZap. Version 1.5.5 (Apr 25 2001): - Changed: background images move with the grid now. - Fixed: SMD import can append at current time again. - Included MSVCP60.DLL, which is use by some plugins. - Included new icon from Jason Collins, old one is still available. - Minor fixes Version 1.5.4 (Apr 17 2001): - Updated: latest versions of DragonZap's plugins - Added: animation scale plugin by Dirk Ulbricht. - Changed: paths are saved relativly. - I can see the material ball under Win2k and Win98SE. I hope it works for other too ;-) Version 1.5.3 (Apr 06 2001): - Added: "Mirror All" tool plugin by DragonZap, - Added: "Smooth Edge" tool plugin by DragonZap, - Added: PlayStation TMD importer plugin by DragonZap, - Added: tool plugins are undoable now. - Changed: LightWave LWO importer doesn't check for the 'FORMS' and 'LWOB' chunks anymore. Some files, which couldn't be loaded can be loaded now. - Fixed: zero length joint names are not allowed anymore. - Fixed: If you delete a joint, all vertices assigned to that joint become unassigned. - Fixed: If you save and then export, you are not asked to save your model, when you close MilkShape 3D. - Changed: If you load from the shell, then the directory of the new file becomes the current working directory. - Fixed: some memory leaks caused by the mxToolKit. Version 1.5.2 (Mar 03 2001): - Added: Lithium UnWrapper LUV Importer - Added: Divide Edge (divide the edge between 2 vertices) - Fixed: minor fixes with material id's Version 1.5.1 (Feb 17 2001): - Added: Progressive Mesh Tool PlugIn - Added: Enhanced SDK to support custom tools like modifiers - Updated: SDK to version 1.3 Version 1.5.0 (Feb 15 2001): - Fixed: regroup did just the same as duplicate selection. - Fixed: wild joints on open file with animation mode on. - Added: Unreal Tournament Skeletal System PSK exporter/import plugins - Added: Handy .uc, .int generator in PSK exporter - Added: 2 new commands: Tools->Unreal Tournament->Load Default Male Skeleton and Load Default Female Skeleton. - Added: final importer plugin for No One Lives Forever. - Added: exporter plugin for No One Lives Forever. - Updated: latest Nebula Engine exporter by Dirk Ulbricht. - Trial Period restarts. Version 1.4.5 (Feb 02 2001): - Added: NOLF importer. Imports meshes and skeletons. - Added: Lithtech's DTX image file format. Using Stefan Bolders DTX class. ( - Added: included the Nebula Engine exporter by Dirk Ulbricht. Version 1.4.4 (Jan 29 2001): - Fixed: regroup selected faces sometimes removed a triangle from another group. - Fixed: MD2 export: the 2. skin should be correct now. - Fixed: phantom vertices shouldn't happend anymore. - Fixed: when doing shell exectution of a .ms3d file, it was called untitled.ms3d. - Fixed: .ms3d.ms3d extensions shouldn't happen anymore. - Fixed: crazy joints during IO shouldn't happen anymore, even animation mode on. - Added: included the latest NOD importer/exporter by Yith Version 1.4.3 (Dec 2000): - Fixed: Q3A export crashed, when you had a lot of frames to export. - Fixed: MilkShape 3D crashes after querying the GL_EXTENSIONS string for newer Geforce cards. Geforce has so many extensions ;-) - Added: added the VRML97 Exporter made by Roland Smeenk Version 1.4.2: - Fixed: background images: can load for all orthogonal viewports, doesn't move around, when panning. - Fixed: when shift-selecting, the selectionbox wasn't drawn. Version 1.4.1 (Aug 16 2000): - Added: 3d viewport selection for vertices and faces by vertex - Added: optional close cylinder - Added: Vampire: the Masquerade NOD exporter and importer (both without bones yet) - Changed: any file formats can be loaded for the background image - Fixed: texture coordinates on seam in Quake MDL Export - Once again: the trial period restarts Notes: - To use the 3d viewport selection, activate the Select tool and hold down the Alt key. Only vertices and faces by vertex can be selected, other select modes like Ignore backfaces, group, joint are not yet possible. - For some reasons, it is just possible to choose a background image for the front view. - The Quake MDL export uses the same .qc file format like the modelgen.exe in the Q1 SDK Version 1.4.0 (Jun 03 2000): - Fixed: Wavefront OBJ export had .3ds extension - Fixed: no more 100% CPU usage, only in play mode - Fixed: bug in new material - Fixed: small bug in remove triangle, which sometimes accidently removed the first triangle of a group - Added: goto prev/next keyframe for a selected joint - Improved material rendering - Improved flat shading - Quake1 MDL export - Quake1 MDL: added skip command, which skips the current frame - Quake2 MD2: fixed texture coordinate bug in export - Quake2 MD2: improved frame exporting - Quake III Arena: extended the $frames command - Quake III Arena: fixed MD3 import - MS3D: save total frames - included RenderMan RIB exporter - update SDK (file format spec) to 1.2 - uploaded Mesa 3.1 (OpenGL) drivers Version 1.3.2 (May 2000): - Fixed texture coordinate bug. - Added an ms3d.log, which can be sent back to me, if you have startup problems. - Replaced the .3ds import/export by completly new plugins. - Updated SDK to v1.1, update file format spec. - Added file format spec for MilkShape 3D ASCII to the SDK. - Enhanced decompile MDL: you can decompile the parts you want (reference, sequences, textures, .qc-file) - trial period restarts - you can optionally disable line stippling, if you don't see the selection boxes Version 1.3.1: - Fixed the .MS3D open bug. - Added more image file formats like jpeg, tiff, pbm, pgm, png, pcd and ico. - You can choose now, wether you want to decompile the reference.smd or the animation.smd. Version 1.3.0: - Export SDK (allows to export model data, no other specials yet) - Transparency - Alpha texture map - optimized .ms3d file format (just open old one and resave) Version 1.2.1: - 30 days trial period restarts. Users with an expired version can check out the latest stuff. Version 1.2.0: - Full Quake III Arena MD3 export. Take a look at the small starter tutorial on the MilkShape 3D page on - Note: the MD3 import isn't finished yet - Generate MD3 export control file (see small starter tutorial) - Append Frames on SMD import - Added map_Kd to Wavefront OBJ import/export - Export Wavefront OBJ on current frame - MD2 $origin and $rotate commands - CS Decompile option for left and right handed weapons - Print mins, maxs and center of the model - fixed joint nameing bug - fixed joint paste - set keyframe bug ----------